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Time Management: How to manage your time for more learning success

Digitale Veranstaltung
Online-Meeting mit Webex

Ein kleiner Hinweis vorweg: Dieser Workshop wird auf Englisch stattfinden, deswegen folgen auch die Infos zur Veranstaltung zum Teil in englischer Sprache.

What is it about?

Suddenly the exam is just around the corner. Learning tasks that still need to be completed in time pile up.

A planned approach is essential if you want to act in a goal-oriented way. Good planning offers orientation and motivates by means of achievable goals. Scheduling your studies, it is important to be aware of your own learning behaviour and to deal with learning difficulties at an early stage. This way, it is possible to cope with the learning workload.

In the workshop, you will be introduced to techniques from the areas of self and time management. You will reflect on your learning behaviour and become familiar with ways to make it more conducive. Individual goals as well as ways to achieve the goals are worked out and priorities are set. In addition, factors influencing the learning process will be examined and ways of dealing with difficulties will be identified.

You will have the opportunity to get to know and try out a range of methods and to create your own work plan.

Contents of the workshop

In this workshop, we will deal with

  • goal setting
  • how to get and stay motivated
  • identifying your goals to have a direction
  • how to organize yourself and be productive
  • prioritizing tasks
  • how to use routines
  • overcoming procrastination.


Freitag, 20.05.2022, 9 - 16 Uhr


Online über Webex

Für wen?

Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Studierende aller Studiengänge.



Mit wem?

Corinna Lütsch

Wo melde ich mich an?

Damit wir besser planen können, freuen wir uns über Ihre Anmeldung über dieses Formular. Wir senden Ihnen gern auch ein paar Tage vor dem Termin eine Erinnerungsmail zu. Dafür geben Sie bei Ihrer Anmeldung bitte einfach Ihre E-Mail-Adresse an.

Für Fragen steht Ihnen Camilla Muschner unter lsz@hs-flensburg.de gerne zur Verfügung.


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